Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Celebrating May 17 - the rebelde day

The most important day on our calendar.
We were born on May 17, 2012.   On that day, two seemingly unrelated events coincided, creating the cornerstone of what is now known as the 'rebelde movement'.  The first event was the final letter from a major Swiss watch brand denying access to spare parts which simply meant the end of our existence as independent watchmakers.  The second event, which occurred later that day, was the realisation that in order to stay in business and continue our battle for mere survival we have to start our own watch brand.

Have we won?
No, not yet.  However, with each new watch designed and assembled, and with every watch part manufactured in Australia, we are getting stronger, better and more relevant.  Today, over 700 Australians proudly wear our watch, allowing us to invest, learn and grow.

Celebrating? Are you closed on Friday?
Absolutely not - business as usual. The 'rebelde day' is a day of reflection: an opportunity to, once again, remind ourselves of our core brand values: we make robust, reliable and repairable watches. We strive to exceed customers’ expectations.  We believe the 'right to repair' and the 'right to learn and grow' is a fundamental of not just the watchmaking trade but all other trades in Australia.  We sympathise with the struggle of fellow independent repair men - from mechanics in the automotive industry to mobile phone repairers, to farmers in the outback trying to get their tractors going - all of them being oppressed by the restriction of spare parts.  

As a rebelde watch owner, how do I join the celebration?
Simply wear your rebelde on May 17 and share this story with just one person. Tell them that you are our ambassador and that we are proud of you.  And, most importantly: continue to vigorously pursue your dreams.

Happy May 17.

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