Wednesday, January 8, 2020

NH2 Timascus No. 11

NH2 Timascus No. 11- Papagena. Under construction
After a couple of weeks on break, mainly due to extremely hot weather and unbearable smoke, we are back in the workshop. With temperatures in the high 40°s at times the machinery had to be shut down because we just could not get rid of all the heat generated from the cooling units and compressors. But late last night, the main plate for NH2 Timascus No.11 has been completed and the assembly will soon commence.

No.11 is our second green Timascus NH2. The first one (No.5) was nicknamed Papageno, and No. 11 is its matching partner and companion- Papagena. Papageno and Papagena are characters from Mozart's famous opera ' The Magic Flute'. Papageno is the bird catcher who is unable to find a wife, and Papagena appears in his life at his lowest point (note the noose!)
Watch this one first:
Then this version with English translation:
... and dozens more of your choice!

Apart from the obvious - a green colour scheme - there are a number of other similarities between the green NH2 Timascus and Mozart's couple.  Bringing out the vibrant green colours out of Timascus is extremely difficult and at this stage a third green piece is not likely anytime soon. The pattern of Timascus No.11 is a beautiful rosebud with green, turquoise, lime and purple accents and the finest hint of french blue.

NH2 Timascus No. 5 - Papageno. Sold. 

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